Friday, January 13, 2012

The Mark and You

In my tireless effort to see world events through a Biblical lens, that is a 3rd dimension as opposed to just the socio-economic lens, I am once again reminded of the accuracy of the Word of God. The Bible clearly informs the interested reader of just "how" the world will be monitored and controlled in the coming years. The Revelation records in Chapter 13 verse 16-18 that a coming world leader will require a Mark to be taken and without said Mark one cannot survive. I explain in detail in my new book, It Could Happen Tomorrow, (New Leaf Press) how our generation is the first in world history to possess the technology to facilitate this coming reality. To further my case I have just learned that the 1.2 billion inhabitants of India will soon be inducted into a new nationwide biometric identification program directed by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). This program will use three forms of information- fingerprints, iris scans and facial recognition. As always the programs proponents tout the many benefits of such a program omitting the inherent danger to individual freedoms and privacy, not to mention the many additional adaptations that will come later. Click here for the full story

This new program is simply another one in a long line of programs being initiated with the ultimate goal being not one of identification, but one of control. Most of the time when I share information like this it is discounted and largely ignored. But one day, the reality of this is going to begin to dawn on some people as to just how exact God's Word is and that it is the only reliable source for what tomorrow holds for this world and it's inhabitants.

Just my Thoughts!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wake Up!

Is it just me or are there those who understand that while we applaud the incredible efforts of the oppressed in the Arab Muslim world, there will never be a democracy in these countries! I am continually amazed at the masses who can look at facts and still reject them out of hand. While we applaud the sacrifices and suffering of many in Egypt, as well as other countries in the Middle East, we recognize the end result will be a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood who will initiate Shariah law. This places the power and authority in the hands of people who are driven by a religion where individual rights and freedoms are suppressed. The naysayers said No! They told us we would have a democracy in Egypt instead of a dictatorship. They were wrong! Instead what we now have are extreme Islamists in charge and their number one priority is to end the peace treaty with Israel that has served the Egyptians well for many years. But what exactly is behind this? What is the driving force that has stirred this Islamist revolution in recent months. Simply put, it is the attempt to form an Iranian led Super state whose chief aim is the annihilation of Jews and the end of the State of Israel. This is the often stated goal and these people will never stop trying to bring this to pass. My many friends in Egypt are terrified at what is happening daily on the ground in their country and fear for their own lives. They tell me their fear is that America and the West will stand by and do nothing while this extremism spreads across the Middle East.

So, what is the world to do? What are we to do? Stand up and speak out in support of Israel's right to exist is a given. But, we must do more. So I am calling on every single one of us who believe in freedom to contact our leaders and demand that they stand with Israel and if need be step up and stop the Iranian machine before it is too late! Time is running out and when they acquire the bomb they will use it. Just my thoughts!

Get the big picture in my book, It Could Happen Tomorrow, released by New Leaf Press.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Perversion, Politics and Prophecy

Just My Thoughts:

The ongoing efforts to legitimize what God calls "unnatural" was once again brought to our attention last week as the House of Representatives passed a defense bill that included the infamous, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. Americans with a moral compass and who know what the Word of God says continue to be amazed at the non-stop attempts to force the acceptance of perversion upon the majority under the guise of human rights.

PERVERSION: I believe the Word of God! When God calls something sin, it is sin! When God calls an act unnatural, it is! When God acts in history to destroy a people as He did in the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Read Genesis 19:1-25) He exhibits His unwillingness to accept this behavior. The Apostle Paul makes it clear in Romans 1:26-27 that this behavior is against nature and the result is God giving them over to a reprobate mind. The word translated as "reprobate" is the Greek word, adokimos which means "unacceptable". In the New Testament Jude writes the following in verse 7, Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

It may shock you but I believe every person has the right to choose how he or she wants to live their life. God created each of us with a free will and we get to choose. That said, with freedom of choice comes the consequence of choice. Therefore the full court press to remove consequence. What consequence is it these people want to remove? The answer is, the stigma associated with this lifestyle choice. These people want acceptance and in order to gain it they continue to press their agenda in this attempt to make acceptable what God calls unacceptable.

I am continually amazed at this quest for normality. One need only look at the human body and it is very easy to recognize the parts fit between a male and a female and they do not between two males or two females.

POLITICS: There seems to be no end to the politicians who will sell their souls for a vote. If we are going to legalize this form of perversion we must be willing to do so for all forms of perversion such as child-molesting (which the North American Man Boy Love Assoc known as NAMBLA is pressing to do), sado-masochism, bestiality etc.. Are we willing to do this?Eventually this also will be forced upon as we continue this moral slide towards the abyss. We must stand up and reject tolerance and political correctness as defined by the ungodly and stand firmly upon the truths of God's Word. Politicians will not do it, true Christians must! Yes, we will be attacked. We will be called names and threatened with violence because that is what these people do. This radical agenda must be stopped and yet as I write this I know it will never happen! Why, because we have passed the point of no return and yet we must keep taking a stand for what is morally right.

PROPHECY: There are many, many reasons serious students of scripture know we are living in the last days. The acceptance of Homosexuality and Lesbianism is yet another indicator of this truth. No society in history that has acquiesced to this particular perversion has survived and neither will we.

So, what are we to do? Politically, contact your Senators and let them know you want them to vote against this bill.

Personally, Love the sinner, hate the sin! I have friends and family who have chosen this lifestyle and I love them. But, I will never accept their choice as normal. Therefore, they have chosen to have nothing to do with me. This also is their choice. They do not want to hear from or associate with anyone who will confront their sin. Yet, because of love we must. If I had a loved one or friend who was addicted to drugs I would be compelled to do all possible knowing this will destroy their life. How can we do less regarding this evil choice?

Prophetically, Jesus is coming, watch for Him and be ready!

Just My Thoughts.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Immigration Policy and the Bible:

Like millions of Americans with common sense I am shocked beyond words at the absurdity of the non-stop attacks on Americans who believe in the rule of law. Who would have dreamed illegal immigrants would be encouraged, aided and supported by Americans in their ongoing quest to snub their noses at our laws to the point that would motivate the great State of Arizona to say “we’ve had it” and take action.

We are getting daily doses of anti-Americanism via our leftist media outlets to the point it ought to be insulting to every American. I ask you, do you know anyone who opposes immigration? I must say I have never met a single individual who is in opposition to LEGAL immigration. That said the first and key word in this issue is ILLEGAL! Either we have rule of law or we do not. Either we enforce our laws or we become lawless which leads to anarchy.

Recently I have begun to hear “ministers” speaking out in favor of this breach of our laws quipping such absurdities as, “we must allow this because to do otherwise would violate God’s word regarding the command to love our brothers”. What a ridiculous position for so-called ministers to take. I simply ask this question, Are these ignorant of Romans chapter 13 that states, Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.
(Romans 13:1-2)

I realize this is a complex issue that is being driven by emotion and ratcheted up by the present administration for purely political reasons. That said we must look at the facts. Any nation that cannot control its borders will lose its sovereignty. If any person chooses to violate our laws there should be consequences. If our federal government will not enforce the law then it logically falls to the individual states to pass and enforce laws that will protect its citizens. Arizona has done this and they should be applauded for doing so.

Illegal immigration is bankrupting the Border States financially, endangering the lives of Americans and creating chaos in our judicial system, schools and prisons.

Will innocent people possibly be hurt or offended by the enforcing of the law in Arizona, probably so? Do innocent people end up being offended or unjustly accused every single day in America? Yes, it happens due to the fact there is no such thing as a “perfect law”. Is the answer to do nothing and allow our nation to move deeper into lawlessness? No!

I applaud Governor Brewer and the lawmakers of Arizona and encourage all states to step up and take America back from lawlessness.

Love everyone, but enforce the law!

Gary D. Frazier, Ph.D.
Arlington, Texas

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Reasons I Believe We are in the Last Days

Reasons I Believe We Are in the Last Days

Everywhere I go someone asks the question, why do you believe we are living in the last days? I am of the opinion they are right to ask this question. So, why do I believe we are in fact the terminal generation?

I want to share four primary reasons I believe so strongly that the hour of Christ’s coming is so very near.

First is the existence of the nation of Israel. The word of God is replete with promises regarding the re-gathering and return of the Jewish people to their traditional homeland. This tiny strip of land lying between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River surrounded by Muslim countries on the north, south and east belongs to God’s chosen people and no one else! Even a casual look at scripture supports this and serious study of the same validates it beyond question. That is, if one accepts the scriptures as the Word of God.

The very existence of Israel today is a miracle in and of itself. Without a doubt, nothing in history compares with this remarkable fulfillment of God’s promises to the Jewish people that they will return to their land in the last days. May 14, 1948 was the most historic and biblically significant day in world history since the first century and Jesus Christ himself.

I wrote extensively about this miracle in my book, Signs of the Coming of Christ, which may be obtained at my website, or at

The existence of Israel, in their land, is a requirement for the fulfillment of end time bible prophecy.

Second, the return and continuing rise of the ancient Roman Empire known today as the European Union or as former New York Times writer T.R. Reid call it, the United States of Europe.

The ancient prophets foresaw not only the destruction of Jerusalem and the subsequent scattering of the Jewish people into all the nations of the world. They also saw the break up of the Roman Empire and it’s rebirth in the last days. Daniel chapters 7 and 9 are without a doubt the most accurate source in the Bible for this prophetic key to understanding end time events. An understanding of this prophetic passage in conjunction with a working knowledge of world history will provide any interested inquirer a vivid picture of what to expect from Europe in the last days.

Today we have a revived form of this ancient Roman Empire that is flexing its muscles on the world scene especially with regard to Israel and the Middle East. While there are twenty-five member nation only the first ten, Holland, Luxemburg, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Denmark, England and Greece enjoy full member status with the remaining nations as associate members. It is glaringly clear from scripture that the shift of the world focus is back to the lands of the bible and ancient history in the last days. An overlay of the E.U. of today and the Roman Empire reveals an almost exact duplication.

Third, the resurgence of Russia! It was on June 12, 1987 when then President Ronald Reagan challenged communist leader, Mikhail Gorbachev to, tear down this wall. Communism collapsed and the wall did come down in 1989. However, Russia did not die nor did she lose her aspirations for world domination. The leadership started dressing more western. Democracy became a common word in the Russian vocabulary and outward changes seemed to be taking place. However, the heart did not change. Today we are seeing a resurgence of Russian influence and power. Russia is on the move once again and this is no surprise to students of scripture.

Ezekiel chapters 38-39 predict an invasion of Israel in the last days led by Russia and a coalition of Muslim nations. While the Bible uses the ancient names of these geographically locatable nations, we easily identify them by their modern names.

Is it a coincidence that Russia is providing the technology to Iran to build a nuclear bomb which they have vowed to use to wipe Israel off the map? Make no mistake, communism lives in a new suit!

Fourth and last is America. Yes, the land of the free and home of the brave. I believe America is a real indicator of the lateness of the hour for several reasons.

Benjamin Franklin called it, the Great American Experiment. This experiment that allowed humankind to worship as they choice without fear of government intervention. This experiment that fostered creativity and capitalism in a free market economy. This experiment for which our Founding Fathers and millions since have and have been willing to die. This great experiment is under attack from without and more dangerously so, from within!

Communism has failed in almost every country in the world yet flourishes in America today. How can this be? The answer is quiet simple really. We the people have allowed our schools to fill the minds of our youth with Socialism. We have permitted teachers and tenured professors to rail against this great land of ours while promoting the perceived benefits of a Socialist/Communist philosophical lifestyle. We have bought into Darwinism and changed the truth into lies. Now, many years later, the students have become the judges, professional politicians, the media talking heads, the teachers and even presidents who openly propagate these falsities and sadly, most Americans do not even recognize what has happened.

Amazingly, our Founding Fathers saw the potential dangers and sought through our Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect us. These sacred documents however are being

twisted, corrupted and interpreted in ways our founders never intended. These very documents meant to grant freedom are being used as weapons against Americans.

While I would not dare to speak for God almighty there are two things I know God has never failed to judge in history.

The first is the murder of alive yet unborn children. We the people have allowed the murder of more than forty million of God’s children upon the alter of convenience under the guise of a woman’s choice!

Second, God have never failed to judge any nation or people that have accepted and promoted homosexuality/lesbianism. While hordes of people try to convince us the Word of God is an irrelevant book, we know better. God has called this unnatural! In addition, He consistently forbids this type of behavior throughout scripture. Will America be the first nation in history to survive this perversion of morals and marriage? I doubt it!

Therefore, the answer to the question, “Why do you believe we are living in the last days?” is partially found in the above reasons. The four reasons I have cited are only the tip of the iceberg and it was the tip that sank the Titanic!

Gary Frazier, Ph.D.